I got up really early this morning. It was a simple gesture of support since Mike and James both had to be at work early. I made coffee and ensured that they had homemade banana bread that I prepared last night...it was still warm!! I didn't shove them out the door...really.
It's just that I've come to enjoy my morning routine and it is truly one of my greatest pleasures. It's MY morning, MY coffee, MY fresh air, MY music....it's MY gift that I want to enjoy. Even though I may suffer minor twinges due to the onset of middle age, (whatever...I just have to say that because that's what my body thinks...my mind knows better!) I am determined to enjoy my day.
I caught up with an old friend from high school yesterday. As we chatted, we realized that we hadn't talked in three years! For the sake of argument, that's really not a long time. But when you think about all the changes that have occurred - however minor - three years can seem like an eternity to some.
Three years ago, I graduated from college with no set goals in mind. Why? The start of the recession, silly! Jobs that were rocking when I started back to college in 2006 were no longer viable options in 2008. I had just fallen into a small home based business that I thought I could "try." And I kept looking. I kept thinking that there wasn't anything out there for me. My mornings came to be a time of tears and frustration, as well as bitterness at others' success. As I'd drive to the array of "careers" I had between 2008-2010, I'd be angry at the moms getting to walk their children to school. I'd be jealous of those driving nicer vehicles than mine. Facebook became a source that fed my bitterness because of all the happy - happy "Look how good I'm doing" posts. I wanted to puke at the injustice of it all.
Then a funny thing happened in June 2009. My sweet friend, Becky, and I (together we are the super hero Dorky Beeen) just decided to do things different. We decided to decide. No more dwelling on the worst things that could happen. It all boiled down to a simple quote from Mark Twain. Paraphrased, it said, "If you were to eat a toad every morning, chances are that's the worst thing that will happen to you that day."
I can't say things were super perfect after that, but I can say that my attitude was greatly improved. I still had moments of self doubt and still had to jump into another "career", but I had finally realized what I was good at and had found my place in the world.
What I realized was this: I love people. I love laughter. I love sharing great conversations. I love a good cup of coffee. I love music that speaks to my soul. I love my family. I love helping.
So how do I wrap all of that up into one neat, tidy package? That little home based business that I had fallen into was still plodding along. I was still playing in jewelry with ladies and meeting new people. The jewelry shows kept coming...but I kept looking for that other career that was going to send me to the next level.
And then suddenly in January 2010, I was hit with real life. My dermatologist (for the 2nd time) found a precancerous mole in an area that we could not blame on the sun. Mike made the decision to come with me to the Regional conference that Premier was holding in Dallas, since I needed assistance getting around. Originally, he was going to catch up on some much needed sleep while I learned how to keep my home shows going. Once we got there, he decided to join me because it was crowded and he didn't want me getting jostled (the surgery was to remove a mole on my foot) and he could also get a little more insight into "our" Premier business.
I can't say how much that conference changed our thinking. There weren't any amazing, profound "secrets" that these leaders shared. There was the jeweler who had moved a ton of times because she was in the military. There was the jeweler who was a total feeler, as opposed to a doer. She hated going to the post office, too. But she was making it work. I know there were other speakers, but I can't say that I "got" what they were talking about. The message was just take care of your guests and hostesses.
So we came home and did just that. And the shows kept coming. I just kept playing in the jewelry, loving on all the ladies...laughing with them...helping them...and knew I was right where I needed to be. When that realization hit - that I could use my gifts - business began to grow faster than I expected. I still suffered from insecurities, but everything was moving forward. Even when the bottom dropped out and we had to move away from our life in San Antonio without Christian...we still maintained a positive outlook. And our business kept growing.
Yesterday, I looked at the numbers to see if we will be able to make this cruise that Premier is sending their leadership on. These numbers are a direct reflection of my work. Mike had to pry me off the ceiling when I realized that we are very likely going to go for free. And the shows keep coming and I just keep loving on my hostesses and they accept my love and they accept me for my love of music and coffee and family.
I can say with confidence that I was never a jewelry person. I didn't notice it until 2008. But I am forever grateful for Andy and Joan Horner for seeing a need in the US for a business that could work for moms - single or married. Jewelry is just the vehicle. Our business is so much more than that.
And it allows me mornings like this to enjoy the new day before it actually begins :)