I am angry this morning. I am angry at a society that has taken away a mother's role in the household to send her out into a workforce while her children are raised by someone else. I am angry at a society that puts more value on monetary gains and material possessions that on the well being and health of our children. I am angry at a society that allows government officials to make a decision to vaccinate our children without parental consent. I am angry that what I do in my household is isn't good enough and is considered unworthy.
Fifty years ago, a woman could keep a clean house, have dinner on the table, and help her children with their homework without being criticized for not working outside the home. A woman was expected to look her part - meaning that she could dress up to look like a WOMAN without being criticized for how much she spent on make up, clothes, or accessories. A husband was proud of what his wife could do with the minimal that they had.
Shame on a society that would make a husband feel torn on whether or not his wife should work outside or inside the home. Shame on a society for bringing confusion and frustration into our homes. And shame on US for allowing all of this to happen because we were too apathetic to lift a finger because we were too busy chasing the dollar and watching TV and forgetting to go to church and be aware of our surroundings and being a voice to our children.