Monday, August 15, 2011

Why do I blog?

Can't say that I am the most consistent blogger in the state of TN - but I do know that when I blog I feel that I have lifted a great weight off my shoulders and continue on until the world is crushing me again.

I'm crushed....perhaps if I dump into said BLOG, life will turn right side up again!

After a whirlwind business trip through crispy Texas and up to the lush greenness of upstate New York, I left no time to just "BE."  Between moving all of our belongings from Texas to Tennessee - (and freaking out about our Maverick running away/getting lost) then flying back to Texas to play in the jewelry (do I have the best hostesses or WHAT?!) then up to New York to make new friends and play in more oh man....would you think am I tired!?  No, not in the least, but I think that's what should have come after all that!

I did almost fall asleep in church on Sunday - Pastor Kevin had a great sermon (God's all seeing eye), but it was my time to BE.  We rush so quickly through our daily lives that we forget to just take a moment and enjoy the silence.  Not that there is much silence in the Rollins' household...except maybe at 5:30 AM.  I want to sit outside and marvel at the creation in front of me.  I want to feel the cool breeze on my face as I take that first sip of hot coffee.

So here is my own personal challenge for tomorrow.  I am going to do exactly that when I come to blog again, I will be calmer and lighter of heart, so that as I blog, I can solve the world's problems, one blog at a time!

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