Why label a trip to San Antonio a "journey?"
The traffic is nightmarish to say the least, especially when you plan on being across town within an hour. And the highways are under construction/ I was on the Northeast side, North Central, Northwest, and the South side all within a 36 hour period. Bleh!!
But that was only the beginning!! The true journey began Monday morning, dark and early, when my sweet friend's husband drove me to the airport. I was able to catch a flight and get as far as Chicago. My knight in shining armor, AKA Mike, made a reservation through a certain travel site, against better judgment. I've just heard way too many stories, and none of them are any good! I picked up the car in drizzly Chicago and made my way through more traffic until I reached the highway. Let me tell you, Illinois has some pretty good highways!! In fact, parts of the highway in Chicago are supple and bouncy...no joke!!
As I made my way through Indiana and Michigan, I was struck by the fact that I could honestly be a Gypsy. Maybe not in the sense that anyone would recognize - no swarthy Romanian or Hungarian background here! However, Webster defines a Gypsy as a person who roams about without a fixed route or destination. That's me (or us!!) We have been moving so much the last few years and my business has taken me in so many directions, that why not rename my blog? It would aptly define who I've become and maybe describe who I've always been. Mike likes to tease that he fulfilled that dream when we moved to New York, but before we moved, we were always taking weekend trips and great vacations!
So I am excited to share this journey and look forward to recalling some fond memories from cities past.
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