Monday, April 1, 2013

Tales of an American Gypsy

We are six months into another move - this time to the grand state of Michigan.  So grand that when I first heard of the possibility, I thought I would vomit.  It wasn't necessarily Michigan, but the thought of living in or near Detroit since EVERYTHING we've heard has been unpleasantly dangerous.
Yet here we are - enjoying our first actual weekend of Spring and I think we may come to find ourselves defending a beautiful state.
Now, don't get me wrong...we practically hibernated this Winter.  For the love of Pete, we've been here since Thanksgiving weekend!  Oh yes...we endured the DOG DAYS of Winter.  It was a monotony of coffee, movies, reading, quick potty breaks for the dogs, and a deep seated (hidden) restlessness that decided to rear its head this weekend!
Changes from Tennessee?  Yes!  Was Tennessee a change from New York? Uh, yeah!  How about New York from Texas?  We were pegged "from the South" the day we arrived in upstate New York.
I've received a few of the same questions here that I received in TN.  Biggest question #1 - "Do you think that the schools aren't good here?" (If I've never mentioned it before, we are homeschoolers due to our Gypsy lifestyle.  It has NOTHING to do with religion or ratings!)  Question #2 - "How long will you live here?"
And I guess that's the reason behind the blog tonight.  When we decided to live life on the go, we didn't know what to expect. Originally we were doing it just to pay the bills. It was survival, pure and simple. But today it has enriched our lives more than we thought capable. We have the marital relationship that we always craved. Our younger children are being raised and schooled without thoughts of bullying, peer pressure, or violence. We have met some of the most amazing people and gone down roads that we wouldn't have just five short years ago. But we still need friends. We still need to know that someone close is looking out for us. In Tennessee we had some of the best neighbors and the kids were thrilled to be apart of a group again while in New York I made some close friends that will be treasured for life. What or who will Michigan share with us while we are here??

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